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  • Ripcare ® Shoe Repair Black Liquid
  • Ripcare ® Shoe Repair Black Liquid


Ripcare ® Shoe Repair Black Liquid

Regular price
Ripcare ® makes your shoes last longer and helps you save some money. For repairing shoes. Black fluid. Shoe repair and protective coating. Individually usable for leather, rubber, vinyl, canvas and other materials used in shoes. Reinforces highly stressed areas and also fixes them. Water-repellent and elastic formula. Ingredients: acetone, ethyl acetate, N—butyl acetate.

Can be used to support highly stressed parts of your shoes or repair those spots. Showerproof & elastic formula. Ingredients: Aceton, Ethylacetat, N—Butylacetat. Volum. For skateboarders by skateboarders. Capacity 60ml.

Made in Germany.