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  • Kroutsef A Pill is a Moon Thinkbabymusic Collective
  • Kroutsef A Pill is a Moon Thinkbabymusic Collective


A Pill is a Moon

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Collection of artworks, poems, journal entries, and quotes spanning a period of over 5 years and drawing inspiration from mundane hell, the pains of being pure at heart and the distressing face-off with reality. ‘A Pill Is A Moon’ is a product of the synergy between web aesthetics and the impact of the provincial lifestyle on unprepared adults. This creative blend of the early to mid 10’s internet culture with a writing style influenced by the alt-lit movement, stands for a wistful goodbye to the pre-digital world.

150 x 150 mm
40 Pages
Perfect Bound
First Edition, Repress
© 2015 © 2016